Rabu, 17 September 2014

Artists Channel Munir’s Spirit With Provocative Performances

Artists Channel Munir’s Spirit With Provocative Performances

Artist Wanggi Hoediyatno once performed a pantomime about the culture of impunity at the Indonesian Military — in front of its officers

By Yuli Krisna on 06:43 am Sep 07, 2014

  Pantomime artist Wanggi Hoediyatno has produced dozens of works on the slain human rights activist Munir Said Thalib. (JG Photo/Yuli Krisna)

Bandung. The 26-year-old man skillfully applies make-up all over his face — first a white base, then black to accentuate his eyes and brows and finally, red lipstick. He then puts on a traditional sarong from the island of Lombok and an ivory-colored shirt.
Carrying a poster saying “Desire for Justice” with the picture of slain human rights activist Munir Said Thalib, the tall and slender man is ready to perform his act.
Wanggi Hoediyatno is a pantomime performer from Bandung, West Java who is well known for his Munir-inspired repertoires. On a recent day he held a special performance at his rented home on Jalan Rajamantri Tengah for a visiting Jakarta Globe reporter on a solo piece titled “Jangan Diam,” or “Don’t Keep Silent,” a satirical title for a pantomime performance.
Without the use of words, using nothing but the power of his expression and gestures full of symbolism, he told a story of how Munir was killed and how the Indonesian government failed to bring those responsible to justice.
Wanggi said he came to know Munir, a year after his death, through an event that paid tribute to the human rights defender. Wanggi, who at the time was a senior in high school, became inspired to follow Munir’s examples, by speaking up for justice through his art.
“Munir’s words gave me energy never to be afraid to tell the truth no matter how hard it is [for others] to believe,” Wanggi said.
For Wanggi, Munir is a source of inspiration 10 years after his death. Wanggi, who majored in theater at the Indonesian School of Arts (STSI) Bandung, said around 40 of the 60 pantomime works he had produced are about Munir. The rest touches on social issues including malnutrition.

Songs and graphic designs
Wanggi is not the only artist to be inspired by Munir and his constant fight for justice. Munir has also become a muse for musicians, poets and performers.
Rock band Navicula, known for making socially and politically critical songs, wrote a song for Munir titled “Refuse to Forget” about the unresolved case over the circumstances of his death. Munir died on Sept. 7, 2004 on a flight en route to the Netherlands.
Meanwhile, pop indie band Efek Rumah Kaca wrote several songs about Munir like “Di Udara” or “In the Air” about how Munir was poisoned on board the flight to Amsterdam and “Hilang” or “Missing,” which talks about how his death left a void in the hearts of many Indonesians.
Yogyakarta-based art collective Anti-Tank created a graphic design work depicting Munir, which anyone can download and adapt into T-shirts, posters and other applications for campaigns and rallies. Likewise, anonymous graphic designer Nobodycorp has created several downloadable black-and-white works for rallies as well as more elaborate, colorful works for social media.
Novia Seni Astriani, campaign and network manager at Solidarity Action Committee for Munir (Kasum), says that art is the most effective medium to educate people about Munir.
“Most of today’s youth don’t know who Munir is, what his case is all about. Ten years ago, they were still kids,” she said.
“We want to say that Munir as an issue is not only for NGOs [nongovernmental organizations]. His struggle does not only benefit activists. As youths we can also contribute to the resolution of Munir’s case through our own means and media.”
Novia said year after year there had never been a shortage of artists and musicians willing to contribute to anniversaries of his death. To accommodate the artists’ desire to contribute, Kasum set up Sahabat Munir (Munir’s Friends), an informal group that unites activists, students, artists and victims of violence.
“There’s no form to fill or anything,” she said, adding that the movement has now spread to major cities and towns across Indonesia. The group lets  people of different backgrounds to start their own campaign activities to push for the resolution of Munir’s case or other human rights abuses.
“Usually during anniversaries like this there will be a lot of activities. On other days, we usually visit local communities or victims of eviction or land grab. We play films [about Munir] and stage discussions,” Novia continued.
Pantomime artist Wanggi Hoediatmo, who produced dozens of works on the slain human rights activist Munir Said Thalib. JG Photo/Yuli Krisna
Pantomime artist Wanggi Hoediyatno has faced threats for performances that angered some people. (JG Photo/Yuli Krisna)

Facing threats
For Wanggi, Munir’s courage to fight for victims of violence despite facing constant death threats had helped him to deal with his own threats and criticisms.
In February 2011, after putting on a performance criticizing malnutrition, Wanggi said he was followed and for days received on his phone death threats.
“My friend and I once performed at a TNI [Indonesian Military] anniversary celebration, and we put on a pantomime performance about the culture of impunity at the TNI. Several officers politely told us to leave. Afterwards I was called a few times by Kodim [Military Infantry Command] asking me to meet them. I was afraid it might have been a set-up,” he claimed.
Since then Wanggi and his friends at Mixi Imajimime Theater were never again booked to perform at major events, with organizers saying they were afraid to invite them.
“But the threats Munir had received must have been a lot worse, but still he continued to fight. This emboldens me,” he said.
Wanggi’s consistency to fight against injustice through pantomime eventually paid off. Recently he and his team were invited to tour across Indonesia, Vietnam and Timor Leste by a French circus act.
Last year, he got to meet one of his idols, Munir’s widow, Suciwati.
On Sunday, several groups are staging various activities — from street performances to murals to discussions — to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of Munir’s death, in several cities including Jakarta, Bandung and his hometown Malang.
On Wednesday night, Kasum and Sahabat Munir will stage a public film-screening event and a discussion. Three films about Munir will be on view: “Garuda Deadly Upgrade,” “Bunga Dibakar” (Burned Flower) and “Kiri Hijau Kanan Merah” (Left Green Right Red).
“We have the momentum of having a new president,” Novia said, referring to President-elect Joko Widodo, who will be inaugurated into office next month.
“We want to remind the public through paintings, music, performances. We want to say: Let’s remind the new president together that he has big tasks at hand. There are Munir’s case as well as other human rights cases still unresolved.”
Additional reporting by Nivell Rayda in Jakarta

Website The Jakarta Globe : 

Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

Wanggi Hoed, Bersuara dalam Diam - Indonesia Kreatif

Seni Pertunjukan Bandung , 01 Jul 2014
Wanggi Hoed, Bersuara dalam Diam

Siapa yang sangka, anak sang maestro pantomim Indonesia Seno A. Utoyo yang bernama Gendis A. Utoyo, mengirimi Wanggi pesan melalui Facebook. Pada pesan itu, Gendis mengutarakan kerinduannya pada ayahnya setelah melihat foto-foto penampilan pantomim Wanggi. Tampaknya Wanggi tidak hanya membakar semangat keadilan sosial sekaligus spirit kesenian pada banyak orang, tapi ia juga memantik kerinduan seorang anak pada Ayahnya. Barangkali kerinduan itu adalah kerinduan banyak orang pada pertunjukan-pertunjukan yang jujur.
Wanggi Hoediyatno adalah seorang seniman pantomim muda kelahiran Palimanan, Cirebon, 24 Mei 1988. Ia mulai menyenangi seni olah tubuh tersebut sejak duduk di bangku Sekolah Menengah Pertama, hingga ia memutuskan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan tinggi di Jurusan Teater Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia (STSI) Bandung. Pertunjukan-pertunjukan pantomim telah ia gelar di dalam maupun luar negeri, dari pinggir jalan hingga gedung-gedung pertunjukan.

Tahun 2007 saat masih berkuliah, Wanggi bersama empat rekannya membuat suatu perkumpulan pantomim yang bernama Mixi Imajimime Theater. Saat itulah kepiawaian Wanggi sebagai seniman pantomim muncul dan berkembang, meskipun tak semulus yang orang bayangkan. Ia mengakui bahwa banyak kalangan yang belum menerima pantomim sebagai seni yang patut diapresiasi. “Awal-awal kami melakukan pertunjukan, baru segilintir orang yang mampu menerima pertunjukan kami, seperti komunitas-komunitas teater dan sastra. Orang-orang di luar itu kebanyakan masih kebingungan dan sebagian bahkan pernah meremehkan,” tutur Wanggi kepada Indonesia Kreatif di basecamp Mixi Imajimime Theater.
Isu-isu sosial dan kemanusiaan menjadi fokus utama Wanggi dalam banyak pertunjukannya. Pada Maret 2013, Wanggi dan beberapa komunitas mahasiswa dan pelajar menggelar kegiatan kemanusiaan yang bertajuk “1000 Biskuit dan Susu untuk Gizi di Indonesia”. Dalam rangkaian kegiatan itu, Wanggi beraksi dengan seni pantomim untuk menyuarakan Hari Gizi Nasional yang jatuh setiap tanggal 28 Februari. Selain itu, Wanggi juga aktif pada penegakan keadilan terhadap beberapa kasus penculikan di era Orde Baru. Ia bersama teman-temannya menggelar aksi Kamisan di depan Gedung Sate Bandung.

Di dalam proses kreatifnya, Wanggi mengakui bahwa tidak ada hal-hal yang sebenarnya cukup serius dalam bermain pantomim. “Kita hanya perlu meriset ke lapangan, melihat gerakan-gerakan kaum marjinal atau orang elit. Setelah melihat bagaimana cara mereka berjalan, cara mereka memandang terhadap sekitar, kita simpan baik-baik imaji tersebut di dalam memori dan kita praktikkan secara terus-menerus agar dapat menguasainya,” jelas Wanggi.
Pada kegiatan Bandung International Film Festival, Wanggi menampilkan pertunjukan pantomim Mime-Meditation. Ia mengeksplor pertunjukannya menjadi sebuah meditasi bagi dirinya yang menjadi tontonan menarik bagi pengunjung karena meditasi dilakukan dalam pertunjukan pantomim selama dua belas jam tanpa istirahat. Menurutnya, meditasi menjadi hal yang penting untuk semua orang. “Meditasi adalah sarana untuk mencari identitas diri,” kata pria yang memiliki kumis tebal dan lentik itu. Selain itu Wanggi pun pernah menampilkan pertunjukan selama enam jam tanpa henti.
Berkembang dan berproses dari pertunjukan panggung ke panggung dan street art, membuat Wanggi akhirnya ditawari untuk melakoni pertunjukan Sirkus Kontemporer di tahun 2013 bersama dengan Chabatz D’Entrar, klub sirkus asal Perancis. Tak tanggung-tanggung, melalui acara tersebut Wanggi melanglang buana ke sepuluh kota berbeda di Indonesia serta melakukan tur ke Timor Leste dan dua kota di Vietnam. Dalam pertunjukan itu, Wanggi memperlihatkan ciri khas Chabatz d’Entrar–yang getol menggunakan barang-barang sehari-hari seperti untuk properti sirkusnya.

Selain berpantomim, kegiatan rutin Wanggi adalah aktif di Teater Cassanova. Bahkan ia juga pernah menyutradarai sebuah pertunjukan Teater Cassanova yang berjudul “Teater Rambut Palsu” pada 23 Oktober 2012. Melakukan Yoga menjadi salah satu bagian penting bagi seorang Wanggi. Rutinitas Yoga yang telah ia tekuni sejak lama, menurutnya, memberikan suatu energi bagi penampilan pantomimnya.
Perjalanan Wanggi di dunia seni pantomim tampak menjadi serius bagi dirinya dan banyak kalangan. Beberapa tahun terakhir wajah putihnya itu sering muncul di beberapa TV swasta nasional, koran dan majalah, bahkan salah satu pertunjukannya pernah ditayangkan di TV kabel Belgia.
Menurut Wanggi, bahasa tubuh adalah bahasa yang universal. Semua manusia akan memahami tanda-tanda gerak tubuh yang sifatnya konvensional. Ia mengakui akan terus bersuara dalam diam, bergerak menyampaikan isu-isu sosial kemanusiaan dari gedung pertunjukan hingga jalanan. “Saya menghidupkan pantomim sehingga pantomim pula yang menghidupkan saya. Saya akan terus berpantomim bila benar-benar tak sanggup lagi untuk bergerak dan bila imajinasi saya sudah pupus,” tutup Wanggi.
Foto: Dok. Wanggi Hoed

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Article Tags: Pantomim, Wanggi Hoed


Hobi menulis, membaca, bermain gitar, dan bernyanyi. Sedang menempuh studi Sastra Inggris S1 di Universitas Pasundan Bandung. Tuhan bersama orang-orang kreatif. - @ferriahrial
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