Selasa, 12 Mei 2020

Eye of Talk : Pantomim Untuk Semua

My name is Wanggi Hoediyatno, everyone wins Wanggi Hoed, I was born in the village of Palimanan, Cirebon. I am a Mime Artist from Indonesia, working in the world of pantomim for more than 15 years. I am the initiator of the Mime-based communal learning room in Bandung, Indonesia; The communal learning called Mixi Imajimimetheatre Indonesia,  a journey of work for 12 years, spread the message of peace love and gratitude to humans and the universe and was also presented in this world non-violence, only with body language and statement of imagination. which messages everywhere. Share stories about life around through mime of art. Mime for me, work attitude; Pantomime is the language of the peace pantomime and the language of all language. Rahayu 🙏 🌸 ❤️✌ 🌏
Photo taken @droplets_workshop •

#wanggihoed #mimeartist #pantomimindonesia #pantomimeindonesia #mimeforpeace #worldmime #mimeforchange #bandung #peace #mimeforpeace #indonesia #ceritawanggi #peaceful #photography

1 komentar:

  1. Numpang promo ya Admin^^
    mau dapat penghasil4n dengan cara lebih mudah....
    mari segera bergabung dengan kami.....
    segera di add Whatshapp : +855969190856
